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Tutwiler Quilters started in 1988 as a project of the Tutwiler Clinic Outreach Program. This program helps African American women in the Mississippi Delta area use their skills of quilt making to help support themselves and their families, as well as to preserve a quilting style that is indigenous to the African American people in the Delta area.

 Keeping African-American Quilting Alive

African-American quilting is a unique and vibrant form of art that has been passed down from generation to generation. However, in recent years, this art form has been in danger of disappearing due to a variety of challenges.


One of the main challenges to keeping African-American quilting alive is the lack of access to materials. Quilting requires a variety of fabrics and other materials that may be difficult to obtain. Additionally, African-American quilting often utilizes traditional patterns and techniques that may have been forgotten over time.

Another challenge is the lack of interest in and recognition of African-American quilting. Quilting is often seen as a hobby and not a legitimate art form. This lack of recognition has led to a decline in interest in quilting, as well as a lack of funding for quilting-related initiatives.


Finally, the lack of resources available to African-American quilters is a major challenge. Quilting requires a significant amount of time and effort, and many African-American quilters do not have the resources or the support systems available to them to be able to dedicate the necessary time and effort to quilting.


To keep African-American quilting alive, it is essential that efforts be made to increase access to materials, to promote and recognize African-American quilting as a legitimate art form, and to provide resources and support systems to African-American quilters.


Quilts are a unique form of art that have been used for centuries to express creativity and commemorate special moments. Quilts are often made to represent a moment in time or to commemorate a special occasion. They can also be used to tell stories and to pass down traditions from one generation to the next. Quilts are also often used to provide warmth and comfort, as the fabrics and patterns used in quilting can create a unique and cozy atmosphere. Quilts can also serve as a reminder of the maker's heritage, as specific patterns and fabrics can be used to represent a culture or a specific time period. In this way, quilts are a powerful form of expression that can be used to create lasting memories.

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 Picture by Rory Doyle


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